After a long stressfull time we have finally managed to film our studio scene, and get everyone to film with us on the fiollowing monday so that we can do the rest of our filming for example shoot in the characters bedroooms and up london. So that when we come back of the holidays all we need to do is edit our filming.
I hope that the filming goes to plan..
Also i have been researching the denotations and connotations of a music video, this has helped me, so that when i come to filming the next time, i can relate props to a meaning, for example in the studio filming i blew balloons up, these balloons were a represenation of colours and fun and party, basically having a good time, which reflects on the characters personality.
Denotation refers to the literal meaning of a word, the "dictionary definition."¨ For example, if you look up the word snake in a dictionary, you will discover that one of its denotative meanings is "any of numerous scaly, legless, sometimes venomous reptiles¡Khaving a long, tapering, cylindrical body and found in most tropical and temperate regions."
Connotation, on the other hand, refers to the associations that are connected to a certain word or the emotional suggestions related to that word. The connotative meanings of a word exist together with the denotative meanings. The connotations for the word snake could include evil or danger.
Researching codes and conventions of a music video, i came across a webside that did a case study on codes and conventions.
Codes and Conventions in Media
• The media construct reality.
• The media have their own forms, codes and conventions.
• The media present ideologies and value messages.
• The media are business that have commercial interests.
• Audiences negotiate meaning in media.
Media mediate reality via the use of recognized codes and conventions,
and the credibility or realism of a media text may be judged by the degree
to which the audience identifies with what is being portrayed.
Media students identify three categories of codes that may be used to
convey meanings in media messages: technical codes, which include
camera techniques, framing, depth of field, lighting and exposure and
juxtaposition; symbolic codes, which refer to objects, setting, body
language, clothing and colour; and written codes in the form of
headlines, captions, speech bubbles and language style.
• the media produces meaning by using conventions
• audiences produce meaning from the interaction of the conventional material in the
text, and their understanding of conventions
• the conventions that the media uses have a history - they come from somewhere and
they are responsive to historical forces
• conventions are not natural but are cultural - they have cultural specificities - they are
now somewhat universal - here we can probably think of advertising.
• the systems of codes that make up the convention can be clumped together under three
broad headings - technical, symbolic, verbal/written.
A code must consist of:
• a set of signs which carry meaning
• a set of agreed rules for combining those signs together
Social Values and Representation
• Social values are the unwritten laws by which a culture lives. They are so transparent that
they may exist without us even realising their impact.
• Social values may remain constant across generations and cultures or they may vary.
• Social values are partly based in reality and partly aspirational.
• Social values may or may not reflect people’s bahaviour but always reflect belief.
• Media products are crafted to suit an audience, they must reflect the basic beliefs and
values of the target market or that market will not buy the product.
• Most media texts support dominant social values and as such are a cleverly crafted
amalgam of cosy familiarity and fantasy.
• Texts that challenge social values are less common although they proliferate in times of
social upheaval and uncertainty.
• Some texts simultaneously
This is the original music video to baggy trousers
Through out Madonna's career she has changed her look and way of life to the extent of changing peoples opinions of her, but she will always be the queen of pop. For one of my studying sessions, our teacher had given us a bug presentation on the queen, so i am going to share mym knowledge of this well known recording artist.
When researching Madonna on the internet i came across this video clip, this identifies the reflection of America that is shadowed on to the artist. Stereotyping and implying negative things; i havent seen a interview quite outragious, this interview host is rather arrogant.
The life of Madonna, i am going to identify how Madonna's life has been from the past.
Madonna was born August 16, 1958 she was the eldest amongst 8 children, her mum sadly past away when Madonna was 6, leaving the father to look after them. Madonnas talent was identified in her school years, were she was in school plays and took part in other opertuinties for example cheer leading.
After Madonna had been and gone to Uni, she then decided that she was to mkae it as a star, so she persude her dream at the 'big apple' living of 7 miniple pay jobs. She then decided to join her boyfriends band, even though it was just as the back singer, atleast it was not taking part in a dancing group where she was harldly recongised. Madonna then started to write her own songs and sing at local dance clubs, she was then noticed by the audience and recongised as the untamed star.
A DJ kammins is responsible for Madonnas relationship with Warner Bros, as he introduced the two in 1982. She immediatly started selling records and so on. Through out the following years her life grew and grew as she developed, because she was a big star and she knew it.
Now that is a transformation! Look at the first and last one.. wait no! look at the second one!
the good the bad the now
Madonna is an artist that has been in the press since the 80's, whther it be about her look, once it was about her having a mostache, or her songging a britney speares, or divorces she has had. Press dont leave the oppertunity to destroy the rep of stars.
Madonna has released many songs, some outragious and some suttle. but in each of her videos they tend to relate to a different look or theme. here are some of the many music videos she has made, i am going to tell you a minimal amount about each of the music videos, this analyis will just include my thoughts.
I decdied that i would analys this music by muting the sound, so that i reflect on the image rather than the sound too. The music video is nicely lit, the colour red is on walls either side of the stage that the band New found glory are on. There is a banner behind the band that headlines the name of their band, in black and white, this could relate to the idea of racism, or to opssites clashing together. The font of the banner is bold and rocking. One of the band members has no top on, and has a a guitar strapped around him. The main band member is jumping up and down getting the fans surrounding him, excited. The shots then zoom into each of the character, this is not in the way of any average music video, but in a rock and roll way, it is not a tidy shot, more hand heald than anything. The lights are flashing behind the band, this music video is revolved around unitdines and the idea of being out of control. This music starts to be really random when a floating dolphin gets frown on to the stage. The main singer rocks it out, as if he is shouting into the microphone rather than singing his heart out.
A pizza delivery guy then walks on casually to the stage as if the band are not performing. And gives the topless, and rather fat man a large pizza, and band member then opens his delivery box and starts eating away. The main singer then sings into the camera and swings the camera to the side where the producers, directors and camera men are. The next few shots include of a point of view of being in the audience.
Then a shot of three girls. The girls wear a crop top each top says a different word which spells out 'typical video girl' this is a stereotype of the three girls standing there, they have brown/orange bellies and hair down, they look into the camera in a seductive way, as if to stereotype theirselves even more. The singer then puts his thumbs up with excitement. And the shot then goes back to the girls and a floating caterpilla being frown at them.
Back to the guys on stage. One shouts into the microphone, one gets pushed into the croud, as if to form a mash pit. Then after that madness happens the shot then goes to a shot of three men, not attractive wearing crop tops that are very tight that say 'look at us' mirroring the girls that were on the stage. Then the floating dolphin gets frown at them again. The use of the floats make me think of summer.
After a few shots of the band being completly outragious, the shot then goes to a band member playing tiny drums, and the topless rather large man singing. Then him standing infornt of a bunch of fat man. Implying it is cool to be large. The scene then changes to the fat men messing around, pretty grose. For the next few scenes it then shows the band messing around to the extreme, and causing mosh pits. And screaming. New fuond glory then welcomes a action super hero onto the stage, he stands on the balcony behind the stage, and swings towards the croud, and smashes into the camera, and falls. The next part of the music video then goes from this to the main singer giving the mike to a fan in the croud, who is the same man, which is a really good effect, i have to sy i love this bit the best.
The musis video i am seeing before me is about fun and randomness, it doesnt include a story just contains themes. Its all about a band living their dream. The other special effect that i enjoyed was of the band member being edited to speed up and the other band members still in the same motion, making him look like he is zooming. The following shots continue frew, and then the camera goes on to the balcony behind the stage where a quier are singing, this quier are not just any quier but are a punk goffic one. Then goes back to the band where the man is singing, the camera reveals that whilst he is singing he is having a tattoo done.
After another wild party on the stage, the guys then have a shot with really adorable puppies. The shot then continues of the guys and the fans together. The camera shots making the music video as wild as the song, but i wouldnt know because of the msuic video being on silent whilst i edit it. towards the end, on the stage are three life size posters of the band members, and the fans jumping on stage and destroying the posters. The last clip is of the band watching the music through a camera at the end.
Haven't written in my diary for a long time now. So i am going to update you now.
Around three weeks ago me and my team mate luke were really excited about the filming of our music video because we had story boarded everything, and planned all our msuic video out to the extent. We planned to film on the sunday, so during our media lesson time i decided that we go up to our nearest shopping centre and get all the props and costuming. And so we did, we went to bexleyheath and straight into primark, hopefully finding cheap and ugly shirts, which we throught wouldnt be too hard seen as it is Primark, but we had no luck finding any, i then found four rather disgusting shirts and paid out of my own money, i then decided that i wanted them to look jazzy so whilst paying for the bow ties i notices a feathered scarf, realising i had a glue gun at home i bought the scarf. overall i must have spent around thirty pounds on all the props and costumes, we had gone into Asda and bought a set of masks and giant straws (through excitment). When i got home that night i was determined to glue on feathers to the collors and pockets, the overall look was amzing, and i was very proud of the idea i had come up with, origainally we wanted to have plain shirts and jazz them up by placing different buttons and designs on the shirts to make them crazy as possible. But this look worked out so much better.
So everything was ready, the reason i paid for the costume and props was becuase i thought my partner would pay for the permission slip that covers filming on trains, which comes to a tenner. But this didnt happen. We then met up on sunday, to film, six people turned up, and we were going to have to change four by four business men to band members to three by three, because no one else could make it. So being the spoilt one that i am, i wanted to get two more, everyone rang around whilst at the station, we managed to get two more, which was brilliant, but the problem was that we finally got up to london at 3, leaving us one hour before it started to get dark. which was so bad for us, because our filming was set in the morning and through out the day. So we had to stop filming, we filmed all the fun parts of the music video.
Then on the Monday i came half happy and half dissapointed about the music video, becuase we only got some shots. When it came to uploading it on to the PC, the whole thing was crackled up, the scenes were combined together, to that half the screen was one scene and the other but was playing on the other side half cut off. I was absuloutly gutted. It had nothing to do with my filming, but the tape was bad. So we had to film all over again!!! UGLY
Reassured thatwe were to film another day, the weather started to turn on me. The white blanket covered the whole of the city, distroyng my ambition to get the music video done, the school closed, the trains stopped working the whole country had come to a shut down. How much luck do i have aye! so now i have only two weeks to film, up london in the studio, and cut the shots and make the music video to my standards.
Friday, 26 November 2010
this is a reciept for all the shirts i had bought for the boys from the gang to wear. The original idea we had was for a gorup of boys with bows to mirror a group of men with ties, on a jorney to and from work. At lunch and so on. But because of the snow and the fact that we kept getting let down it meant the idea had to be changed. We were not going to give up! the idea changed to a group of boys having fun, showing their relationship and so on.
this is my scan of the idea i had for our digi-pack. This is what i made before we changed our mind about the music video. So the update is different. Very different.
I am one of those negative students that almost give up before realising their hormones have got the better of them and start again.. this is the first verson i made, and had scrunched up.
this is the front cover of my digi pack.. it is an image that highlights the bows on the boys, bows are unique and classed as cool because no one wears them, its all about the ties these days, so the idea of having a group of boys wearing ties signifiies clowns, which means fun, and humour.
The back also include a image of a bow! but has a photo strip infront of it. This reflects on the idea of memory and friendship, you could also say that it is old fashioned.
In our planned music video, we wanted to film in a cafe, but we didnt do this. So it would have highlighted the idea we had, and our best scene of the music video.
This is a shot of them having a messing around. A natural image! the idea of keeping to introducing them as a new team.
This is were the CD would be. As you can see there are some unclear colours behind. These are the bows, sticking to the idea of keeping the Bow image on show.. this could lead to
This was an image that i drew directly from my head, this is a poster to advertise the new single for the new band 'BOYZ WITH BOWZ' the image was to be the group of boys falling from the sky. As is gods from high heavens, they are new they are different and they are famous!
This is another poster that i had in mind. This was when the other idea was still in process we was going to have two images of men at work and two images of the boys all happy and chirpy, but edited to that they were cut in like a seventies theme, like in james bond!
this is the idea that Luke had, which was to have the boys together in a group photo! It is simple, but simple is good sometimes in media you need to introduce the group to the media world as carefully as possible. this image is delicate and yet works in so many ways.
The music video begins with a shot of a high school and the artist Taylor Swift as a school girl walking towards it. Her image in this shot gives learning a more glamorous look, for example she is caring books and wearing clothes that would not be noticed as girly or a stereotype to what a girl should look like, for example skirt and flimsy top, but she is wearing jeans and a dark top, she doesnt carry a bright pink bag or a small bag, but instead a dull coloured big bag, her look clearly states 'typical indie'. Her hair is bright blonde and fully curled, the make up is not pilled on but makes her look pretty delicate. The following shot is a point of view shot from the girl of a boy leaning against a tree reading, this doesnt mirror what a school would be like. It looks as though the girl has just realised the boy she recently glanced at, the boy then looks up from reading his book to see the girl standing before him.
The next shot is a completly different scenery, it is an extreme close up of a boy whispering into the young girls ear, then appears a shot of two hands joining together. The next shot then jumps back to the girl in reality, this identifies the two shots before as a flash back or memory, The boy then takes a long hard look at the girl, in spite to wonder who this girl is. The shot then flashes back to a close up of the girl holding a fan up against her face. The shot following this is of a castle, then standing in the castle peepingn through an open carved window, stands the main girl, looking completly different, in a princess dress. The young lady standing in window is singing about the memory of the night she met her prince charming, i know this because in the shot it contains flash backs of the the boy wondering through a crowded room as if looking for someone. He wears a white neck design. As he look for someone, through the croud appears three young ladies talking to one and another, one of them has her back to the camera, we then see in the next shot that the man was looking for this girl, because we can see a sign of delite in his eyes as she turns around.
The next scene is of them two bowing to one and another in hall, one line for boys and one line for girls, the boys and girls face eachover, they all bow to eachover and step forward and start to dance with their partners, this dancing is called ball room dancing, it is not the typical dancing that we would proberbly see in this day of age in a music video. This music video is different to others in the way that it attracts the younger generation, maybe the age of 10 to 17 and girls rather than boys.
As the music livens up in the song, the sun light from behind the girl in the open window beems through, as is the light is behind her more mentally than physically. The dancing flash back shots only show the main couple dancing, and fades out the others dancing around, as if in a dream, or it could represent the idea that this couple forget about the world when they are together, just like a typical fairytale. Them dancing could symbolise the idea of what the couple has been through to get to where they are now. As the scene keeps cutting back to the singer singing through the window, this could mean that she is lookin through the window to the past or the future, or it is could be that she is the memory inwhich stands in the window. After the boy whispers into her ear again.
The next scene is of the artist walking through a dark forest with a lantern, the next shot of this scene is of the man walking through the forest, as they see eachover in the dark woods they smile and stand close to one and another. there is then a close up of their hands holding and walking through a corn feild. This music video is reflecting on the countryside in the old time, consisting of the props that would make an ideal scenery; for example a lanteren is used, the costuming is old fashioned, and the mansons. The light from the lantern reflects on the couple in the woods, giving a example of passion and desire.
The next shot is of the girl stroking a white horses head, this to me reflects on the idea of unicorns and the idealogy of myths and beliefs, and responds to the music video, as if it is her idea of a dream, or a 'Love Story'. She then leaves him in the woods, as she lets go of his hand he glances at his love, this can be represented as they will not see eachover again, a one night stand but in a loving way. Then a shot of a angel statue is formed on the screen, this can be an ideaoligy of this angel being sent down from the gods to make this night happen.
The next part of the song includes of the girl and the boy dancing in the hall again, could be flash backs. Then the girl is singing on the balcony, there are shots of her just reminising scenery, as if the music video is trying to bring two and two together, so that the next scene is on the balcony. Then a shot of the boy walking through the woods and into the open space infront of her, she then notices him in delite. He starts to run, and she starts to run. As he runs through the field she runs down the stars with her dress trial following behind. A stereotypical love scene, that we usually see in romantic films, or in comdey films where the actors are taking the fun out of it. As they meet, the camera circles the couple standing in the green field on their own. Examplifying the idea of the syaing 'grass is greener on the other side'
The scene then goes back to the beginning of the movie where the boy and girl see eachover on the school premisies, the boy then walks other to the girl. as if they were in eachovers dreams, a fantasy of them two together, and then in reality the boy and girl are wearing casual modern clothing. As they look into eachovers eyes the music video ends.
The first shot of the music video for Candy Shop is of what appears to a haunted mansion. The scenery of this shot con notates evil, and mystery, with the fog gliding across the floor. And two dark and scary trees, as if this is a nightmare or a scary movie we are about to view. This shot is very dark, only including two colours in which are black and navy; these colours represent a theme of danger or mystery. After a crab movement from the camera, we the viewers view a shot of a silver gate opening on that gate it says 'Candy shop Lane' then as if from no where appears a red sports car, connotation seduction and fame. Adding together what i have seen so far in the music video i identify the introduced character in the car as a king or a famous person living his dream.
The door of the Red car opens, and a trainer steps out the car, to me this could possibly be a advertisement for a new or original brand called 'G unit' the trainers are white and brand new. A worms eye view is then shot on to the character of Nelly- he wears a Rolex watch, and red baseball cap, a white polo top and light blue jeans, this represents a new trend, or his original trend that the fans of his may pick up on.
The door to the unknown mansion then opens, to see a young women walking around the mansion in hardly any clothes. The man looks as though he has no idea what is going on but is not worried, as he stands with the door closed behind him wearing silver bling. When the beat of the song paces up the camera movements gain speed on shooting the women in bikinis or hardly any clothes. 50 Cent then walks up the mansion stairs to see if there is anything else that is needed.
As the song goes on the clips skip to shots of the artist sitting on his red car, and rapping. The car is surrounded by misty fog and the car has been nicely lighted to make is stand out looking shinny and brand new. In these shots he is wearing green, his hat is an army pattern which could reflect o his strengths as this camouflaged patterns represents army, and hero's and so on.
As 50 Cent walks up the stairs he cannot believes his eyes at what he is surrounded by, all these women seductively looking at him, giving him attention, the artist looks as though he has not been in this mansion before, but is not complaining, he takes it all in as he walks around and up the stairs. One of the hundreds of women in the house looks as though she is the richest and greatest one, she wears a corset and sings to the camera, seducing the man that wonders the mansion. Her hairy a dark blond, and curly, thin large round hoops. And highlighted eyes, her look revolves around the theme of seduction and fame, she comes across powerful and strong in character.
In the next shot is the male artist wearing fur, this conotates the power he has, and how he is beastly, the colour grey is represents a gloomy theme, and coldness. I notice on this shot that he is wearing a cap that has the 'g-unit' logo on it, noticing two of that logo, i can clearly state that he has been payed money to advertise this logo.
When the male artist 50 Cent walks into a room, a lady is waiting on a king size bed, in background is a screen of him and another girl. The artist then walks onto the bed to give the lady in hardly any clothes some attention. The bed covers are silky, this connotes the idea of delicacy or innocence, this could also represent a sexual theme. Throughout this shop the clips keep going to the artist wearing his grey furry coat.
The next scene is of 50 Cent wearing just a vest top that shows of his muscles and tattoos that he has, this denotes the man that 50 cent is, his silver chain around his neck and shaved head can be a sign of attitude and ignorance, he is sitting on a bed, whilst a girl is standing up wearing a baby pink spandex dress. When the camera zooms out we acknowledge the idea that he is living the typical pornographic dream, as she is wears a nurses outfit. When we view the location that he is at, we realise that he is in a nurses room, and on a nurses bed. With red cushioned walls, this room represents nothing but sexual reference.
The next scene is of five girls dancing in fog in a hall in the mansion, two girls either side of the middle girl forming a triangular shape. The girl in the middle is wearing shorts, a puff jacket, big fury boots, and a baseball cap, all in red the girls either side of him are wearing tights red spandex trousers with fury ends to them and bikini top, they are in red too. There skin has clearly been tanned or shimmered by oil. The background of the girls is dark to keep our eyes on the five girls.
The next scene is of the artist standing infront of a golden frame, in the frame is moving naked models, i find this whole music video rather sexist and over the top. The artist wears a red cap black trousers/tracksuit bottoms, and black and white trainers, the coats he is wearing is a golden colour, exemplifying the idea of being rich, on the coat there is detailed red sleeves and red hood. Altogether this represents the idea of being rich and using this money to seduce others, as if he is a babe magnet. In the gold frame is a four women on a stand each, and big gold roses in between them, this makes me think of the idea that money attract love and passion. These women are only wearing flimsy bikinis.
The next scene is of the male artist walking into a room with candles, were a woman wearing sexy pink corset playing with a whip. She then whips of his top (literally) to reveal his toned body, after looking at his body she bight her lip seductively. He then walks around her whilst she takes in the moments she is all his attention.
The next scene is of two girls in a bath poring chocolate onto each over, this is a key sexual product, the whole of this music video feels like a dream and that he is showing us his life that the viewers don't have. The lady in the bath is wearing jewelery, and representation of feminism, this can link to the idea that this is what 50 Cent thinks all women are like. The lighting of this scene is red and white, the connotations of both these are completely opposite, one represents the idea of love and passion and the other represents the idea of innocence and virgin.
The next shoot is of the artist walking further down the corridor and just as he passed a painting of a lady, the painting comes to life, to hear the lady singing along with the her moving to the sound of tuning. The camera then zooms into the painting to a clear image, she wears a grey fur coat and has dark eye make-up.
The next scene is of a women walking into the room wearing a silver corset. In the room is a chandelier, to see the artist sitting on a chair bed. The artist wears a white suit and white tie, this represents the idea that he is the king/god of the mansion he walked into at the beginning once lost.
The music video then contains flash backs of the fairytale that was once experienced by the artist him self, the flashbacks include the two girls in the bath, and the girls that he found on his walk around the mansion. the camera then goes back to a shot of the two main characters sitting in the mansion room, and the woman blows a bubble in his face, the bubble then blocks the whole of the camera screen, Which the leads to reality wear a woman is serving the artist at a drive through, she impatiently taps at the car, as the artist is asleep, this then identifies the music video as a dream that we have just seen. The name of the drive through he is at is called The Candy (convenient or what) he then drives away in his black sports car.
I found the whole of this music video extremely sexist and stereotypical.
Location- the most important location for our music video is London, the reason we chose this s our main location is because it is the place where most businesses occur, and is known for the work place. It is also the main toruist attraction of England, and we feel it would be a huge benefit to our video.
Our music video story is about the different views from different classes and age, for example we are creating a theme that the band are the oppisite version to the business, our video stereotypes each class and age, to the teenagers being fun and free, and the other side (business) just getting on with life and being 'boring'.
Costuming for our music video- business men will be wearing basic suits and black or grey ties, as smart as possible. Where as the teenagers will be wearing bright and rediculous clothes. As bright as can be, this will set an example that they stand out from the croud or could reflect on each their personalities.
Our idea for the music video is going to make a simple wokring day much more exciting, its all about mirroring a life of someone else that is completely different them. From dull to bright, and boring to excitement.
Since I was put into a group with Luke to start my Music Video, we have been planing to the extreme, making sure we have covered all the aspects, we have identified the theme of the music video, and decided pacifically what we wanted to do for each shot. We are now ready to shoot for the music video, i feel as though we are prepared for any situations that may occur. \We have made a a story board, and animation, we have also made a mood board to help us identify what type of theme we want. We now know what costumes we want, who we want in our band. The characteristics of each band member, and have clearly highlighted the props and locations.
Split Screen
this is our main idea, to make the music video make sense, allowing the idea to come clear to tne audience that the teens are mirroring the men in a style that everyone will notice.
Time Laps
We are still deciding what we want the time laps to be of, either a clock, or London, so that it proves that both men and teens in the video have gone to work for a majority of time. Fish eye shot
This will make our video look more effective. With unique shots.
Hand Heald camera
This will be used in a number of shots, so that the audience can feel as though they are in the band, or music video, it could also indetify the audience seeing it from the band point of view.
For the boy band, we want to by bright shirts and cut them up and make them look rediculous, so that the band look outragious compared to the business men wearing ties. The band will stand out from the cruods in London, this could be a connotate the idea that the band stands out from all the other bands in competition.
This is a image I found on google of a typical teen age bedroom, messy and blue.
Compared to the teenage boys room being messy, this is a room for a typical older musiness man, reflecting his money and wealthare.
Another shot will be of the band in the morning sititng in the oppisite seats to the business men, the business men will be reading newspapers while the teenagers are play fighting.
In part of our music video we will be shooting in Trafalger Square, the reason for this is because it is simply one of the nicest places in London to shoot a music video, also near here is a Park were we aim to shoot anohter part of the music video. London is the city where business is required we wanted our music video to look as realistic as possible, this is were the idea came from.
For part of the music video for Baggy Trousers we will be shooting the band messing around and being imature in the St James Park in London just near Trafalgur square. This scene will take place after the band 'bunk off' from work, being a bunch of rebels, stereotyping the teenage life.
We aim to shoot a scene in a Cafe for the break/lunch that the business men and teen age boys. What we ideally want there to be two tables oppisite eachover, to mirror eachover.
Age range of- 14-30
Genre- both boys and girls
Occupation- in education or just finished. part time/full time worker
Wednesday, 3 November 2010
This is what me and Luke did on our first day of planning, we found that before we were to do a Mood board for our Music Video we needed to idntify what ou music video would include, for example where we would shoot and what each verse would be.
This is a draft of our prop list, because we have a clear idea in our heads of what we want in our music video. Although we know that in time our prop list will expand, or reduce in size once our story board is completed.
I am going to analyse a Pop Rock music video for the song Alright by the band Supergrass. The first shot identifies the age of the song, clearly by it being them typical old records, this record is the official Supergrass. The following shot is of a man on a typical English beach as in no white sands but yellow and grey sea instead of clear blue with a piano, the man wears a rather odd costume which consists of all black woolly suit and matching hat, printed with white patterns, the piano is a rusty golden colour, as the man turns to smile at us (the audience) three young men run past, the shot stayed the same through out this period of time, the man with the piano were to the side of the screen.
The next 2 second shot is of the three boys that ran across the beach knocking on the camera screen, idealizing the idea of boys messing about causing trouble. The next shot is a mid shot of the boys running along the beach wearing different coloured tops, each top states their name, this could mean that they are a new band out. The shot then jumps back to the three of them looking into the camera, as if they are hand holding it, the shot then jumps back to the Pop Rock band running on the beach whilst singing, keeping the music video up to beat. The next shot is of the man that played the piano at the beginning, he then smiles again, when he smiles he tooth sparkles. Going back to the band singing and running on the beach, this clip includes different shots, for example side shots long shots and so on. Also the way they run is like a little boy, this video so far feels like this boy band wants to show that being young is fun.
The beginning of the next shot is of the three of them in a double bed, still on the bed, the bed moves along the beach, and the camera stays at the end of the bed as they sing the next part of the verse, this bed covers are all bright and happy, examplifying the idea of fun still. The following shot of the music video includes a shot of their shadows upsidedown as if the shadows are them, the camera then follows the shadows down to them in the distance, to me the shadow can connotate the idea of the shadow being the different side to them.
The next scene still located on the beach; is a set up front room, which includes props such as telephone, lamp, and a radio, watching the video now it looks so dated but back then it was probably advertising the props. I like how in each shot the three boys are always in it together, even on this shot the man sits on the sofa, and the other two are hiding behind the sofa, making puppets on the sides of the singing boy of the band, keeping to the idea of being little boys. The location changes but the props and so on are still kept the same. The next shot goes on for 2 seconds if that, and it is of one boy members, the boys are all 'chilling' on the sofa, when one of them gets up and twirls over to the camera, and stares; a very fast shot. After one more location change for the living room scene the shot goes back to the boys on the bed, but this time it looks as if they are going down a forest pathway, surrounded by trees.
They are laying on their front facing directly to the camera kneeling on their elbows singing to the camera again. When the word 'mad' is said in the lyrics a close of a a band member is rolling his eyes around, and going boss-eyed. Then a shot of this wearing different glasses. When the words 'sleep around' come up; lips pout on the screen, and then 'sleep around if we like' would be said and a extreme close up to the eye appears in the music video. The following shot is of just two of the band members facnig the camera yet again, one is holding the lyrics being sung 'we're alright'.
Then a man unidentified wears a silky purple suit and black hat, then when the word 'cash' comes up the man opens up his brief case full of cash. Then the following clip is of the three boy band members on old fashioned bikes because the word in the verse is 'wheels' i like how they conect key words to objects and shots for the music video, but it is too original, back then it may have been a interesting outcome.
The next shot is really good, the shot changes to it being from a veiw point so it is like they are giving us as the audience a chance to be fun and be apart of the music video too. The camera swirls away from a circus freak and moves left to right creating a motion that we are about to crash, creating a form of excitment.
Sitting back on the sofa again two band members make usage of the props whilst the main singer sings, the boy to our left is on the telephone, the camera then jumps to the boy on the right hand side who picks up an extra large microphone and puts it to his eye to make it bigger. Then after a second it looks as if we are holding the microphone and looking at the three band members sitting on the sofa. For the rest of the verse the location and placement stays the same, as they do their usual messing around, I dont know of this band, but I am getting the idea that they like to show a biased point that we should keep enjoying ourselves.
When the song goes back to the lyrics the the band are back to being on their double bed again, swaying their arms side to side. Then the lyrics go back to connecting with the music video for example 'teeth.. nice and clean' shows a set of clean teeth when a smile appears. 'See the sites' is directing a shot of the three of the boy bands on the bikes expressing the sights with their hands.
When the music solo comes on, the photage we see is of the Pop Rock boy band on their old stylish bikes riding fast, and doing tricks, maybe riding bikes was the 'thing' back in the day I am not sure, I personally think that it links to the idea of being young and free. The bed then comes back on the scene where they sit up swaying their hands side to side, and have outragiously bright socks on.
In this essay I will analyse a CD cover to Dirty dancing, I will identify the connotations of images, texts and use of colours on the CD cover, that can relate to the audience of this genre of music.
To begin with the front cover of the Dirty Dancing CD has just one image, of the two main stars in the movie, this relates to the famous film itself, identifying the passion and love shared between the two characters, the shadow that is casted on the white background is a lilac colour, lilac represents femanism, inwhich reflects the female character growing into a lady. The white background connotates innocence. The lady and man are holding eachover in a thearetic way, the male in this image is wearing all black and has dark hair, which is the oppisite the to the female he is holding from behind, who is wearing a white loose dress that just finishes bellow her knees, and has wavy mouse blonde hair, the idea of the man standing behind her with his hand on her side and looking down to the ground, gives a theme of protection and obsession for the woman that he is holding, i also feel a vibe of sensitivity coming form the couple, because the lady is facing the man behind her and looks as if she is looking at him. At the top of the CD it identifies the name of both characters, in which are both well known, this also attracts the audiences eyes. The title of the CD cover is 'Dirty Dancing' this name is written in pink and purple, both clearly girly colours, the title looks as if it is hand written, this can connotate the idea of the film itself being about the girl/man's life, and they are the ones showing us their point of view. In the films case it is 'Jenifer Greys' point of view. The name itslef represents two completely different things, just like the characters in the film itself. 'Dirty' can have many different definitition, one of which is clearly a sexual context, 'dirty' could also mean, unhealthy, messy or unhappy. 'Dancing' on the other hand is a word of action, that expresses different emotions to different genres of songs, for example passion and love, or passion and letting yourself go. Both words together can imply a sexual dance.
The little logo just beneath the title quotes 'the time of your life' this is a cheesy relfection to the song 'time of my life' because the quote is now directed to the audience, this is also a good advertisement scheme, because it implies that if you buy this CD you will have the time of your life, directing towards the consumers.
Secondly the CD case that holds the musical videos, has a background behind the plastic that is very ogirnal, the colour purple is consistant through out the CD case, the image hidden behind the CD is of the two main characters doing a well-known move from the classic film 'Dirty Dancing' in which he is lifting her up in the air by just holding the sides of her hips, she is strectched out as if flying. The image has a rather effective look about itself, is consists of grey, white and purple, and the photography makes the image look classical, reminding the veiwers of the amazing part of the film. The CD is not just full of music tracks, it also inlcudes a bonus CD whihc features the clips of the dancing that goes on in the film, that is so known by the viewers. The CD also contains a photo gallerry, that presents the veiwers with the photo shots from the film, not only this but it also has a Kareoke verson of 'time of my life' which allows the veiwers to interact and feel like they are in the film. The CD itself, has a print on it, which is of another image of the couple together, the CD album feels like it is telling the audience a story, because the girl is wearing white, it can mean that she is a virgin, but maybe towards dancing (because i have seen the film i know) so the man in the oppisite colour black represents proffessional. The CD itself also has the same title in the same font as on the CD cover, keeping the CD simple and repetative for its target audience.
The image to the left of the photocopy above is of the man and the girl together, the photographic use of this is kept the same as the background to the CD case, its grey, white and purple is repeating through out the CD case, making the album look memerable and unqiue, these three colours make the photoes look faded and old. The photo itself reflects on how the girl has grown, as the colour purple could either reflect or him, maybe even both; for example if the colour reflects on him it would have to relate to how much she has changed him throughout the film, or maybe her being a little girl who loves her family very much and is rather wealthy, mixing with a complete oppisite who originally keeps to himself changes both of them to the better, purple simbolises richness, love, maturity and growth. Grey can simbolize dull, and loneliness, to relate it to the two characters I feel that it can mean that the lady wearing white and the man wearing black, them two mixed together is grey. And white, meaning innosense, and purity. The idea that there four shots of the film gliding across this side of the CD cover, makes them shots stand out clear and builds up to the background image, these images are presented as if they are a film tape, making the film age more. This part of the CD cover is the slot for a little booklet that has images and shots of the film in it, like a little memory book for the long lost fans.
The binder of the CD still consists of purple black and white, i still feel that the black and white is the reflection of each character, I also feel that there is a sense of protection even on the binder because the white title is in the middle is gaurded by two black words on either side of the white title.
The back of the CD cover is the contents for the CD album, with a faded image behind of the couple yet again, the writing is written in black and white in capital letter, fixating the two different characters together, the back of the CD cover has the names of the tracks it also has six special features that the disc two have for the audeince. And clearly states that there is a photo gallery so that you buy it for yourself, or someone else, as this is 'unreleased'. At the top of the back of the CD cover, there is a paragraph selling the album to the viewers. I would also like to add that the headline of this paragraph is 'have the time of your life' making use of its original logo.
The CD to your left of this image is a CD for the musical videos, gallery and kareoke and the CD to your right is the CD that include the music tracks. Keeping the images for the background consistant to the rest of the CD album. I feel the images in the background of each CD part is telling us as the audience a story of the film and the characters, as if they are facing the world. The shots are of the couple expressing their love for eachother through dancing, this is a unique veiw for the film veiwers because the film is about the coiple falling in love through dancing, now this is not like the days we have these days, everyone just goes out clubbing and forgets who they danced with the morning after. The film is like a Fairytale, love at first sight, and so on are reflecting on this CD because this is how the film was followed.
The use of this image is so effective, it is the exact image of the one at the front but is a close up shot of the image we can see at the front of the CD, it shows the passion, I also think that it reflects on how much they connect through out the film, for example at the begginning we cant feel the passion, but we can see it, but at the end we as the veiwers feel the passion as much as we see it, just like the CD. Its a nice beggining and ending, just like in the film. The image is connotates a heavenly image, and forshadows expresions of love, it fullfills the meaning of love in one image. The shadows casted on the couple can be a sign of the bad times that the couple have gone through, and the shadow on the wall can connotate the past, or the effect they have or had on the people around them.
This album was released for the aniversary of the film.
Monday, 23 August 2010
Music Video
Seen as i studied Chritstina Aguilera, and seen as her Dirty video was well known for it critism and unpopularity in the USA i am curiously going to study the video itself, finding it denotions and conotations, and how it represents different aspects, also i will be discussing why the USA didnt take to it that much.
Start to Finish
At the beginning of the music video, Christina Aguilera is dressed and displayed differently from her original music videos where she would be girly and full of beauty, but in this video she is in a drak green room, which is mainly shadowed, she is outlined where hardly anything, walking towards her scruffy motorbike, wearnig nothing but a pair of flimsy nickers a black leaver belt matching her knee high leather boots, you cant make out what top she is wearing because her new long dreadlocks are covering it. The music video is now flashing to two characters extreme close ups, one man and a woman, the woman is Christina Aguilera, who is wearing nateral make up, cler lip gloss which is then funked up be her thick eye make up and nose peircing. The shots of these two characters are different and very effective, both dark backgrounds, shadows casted on their faces, showing the dark side of them.
The American singer Christina then kips up her red, black and white lever jacket, but it is not just a simple shot of this, the shot is a complete close up, showing her clear bare skin being closed in, to me this is either hiding the innocence, or hiding her true self. As she is zipping up her jacket, i notice she is wearing black leaver gloves with little gold studs, the gloves are cut of were her fingers are i feel this is a grungy look, and cretes a feel of excitement. She then places on her motorbike helmet, this has completely transformed her look from her original videos.
The video is then woken up and now livens up, when the singer Aguilera revs up her motorbike and zooms off, a shot of her motorbikes wheels. She then paces through her green room, and into another world, where a crowd of people have formed a path and are chanting for the singer on the motorbike, i also notice that most of the crowd chanting are all men, this shows the power that the singer has over men and herself in the video.
The next clip is of Christina Aguilera still dressed in her motorbike outfit, in a cage, the cage represents danger and control. The cage is then lowered into a wrestling ring, where she is surrounded by half naked men outside the ring, she is now center of attention, it feels like she is the mens dream, and they are dreaming.
The next shot is of Christina Aguilera sitting in the corner of the ring, dancing as her legs are at a 90 degree angle, she is surrounded by half naked oiled men. The following shot is now of Christina and a few other girls on the wrestling ring dancing, i like how the wrestling ring has been transformed, they group of girls in the wrestling ring are dancing irroticly, to me i feel this is new type of seduction because usually it would be classed as red lipstick and blonde hair and a black dress, but this is new seduction, all the girls are dancing on the floor and giving it their all moves.
The change of scene, means that Christina Aguilera is wearing a mini grey skirt, knee high black boots, and cutted top just bellow the chest. She is now in a dark set room with a group of other dancers, all dancing the same moves, i noticed that they are all oiled up looking sweaty, giving of more signs of sexual tones. Back to the wrestling ring, where Christina Aguilera aka the girl with the blode locks wearing barely anythink, just leaver, leaver and more leaver, and the other girl in the wrestling ring brown hair, blue and white mask, and matching costume; this suggests competition, between two different types of girls, the blonde one wins, but originally i think if it was any other video then the brunette would win, because it is stereotypical that all brunettes are better than blondes. Whilst they are fighting they are refferied by two half naked oiled men, no more to be said about it, as this suggests only but sexism.
The next bit to the music video is were the man at the begginning returns to the shots were he is walking down a long corridor, in a club, where lots of girls surround him and try for his attention but he walks on rapping to the screen, whilst women are around the rapping man, men are round the singer Christina, the rapping man is wearing all black; including black sun glasses, black hat, black shirt, and so on. He then walks past a room were there is a group of people having a mud fight. Christina Aguilera is now in a big showers room, the room is dirty, and water is spraying out making her and the other dancers wet, they are all dancing together holding eachover seductivly, break dancing and all sorts. And inside another room is a group of men break dancing, this room is set differently, they are wearing just bottoms and the walls are filled with graffiti this is like a comparision/competition. The end of the song is were all the men and women dancers are together.
I can understand why maybe the Americans dont like this video, but i love it, the Americans may feel that she has changed completly, and i feel that maybe she is wrong when she says that this music video reflect on her personality. But i like the new look and how she experimented with different ideas, her msuic video certainly does stand out.
I started studying Media in the year 10, GCSE Course, where I was with the wrong croud and would settle to do anything, i would just sit at the back of the class with my friends and moan about working, but then i realised over the first year that i was interested in media and it was developing around me. I grow my interest in Media and in year 11 i knew it was my time to prove to myself that i had an inspiration, and i infact have, Media has inspired me and has effected me possitively.
AS Level
The following year i took on media in A-level and knew that it had so much more to offer, me and as a B student i would be silly to drop the oppertunity to grow even more, the year of 12, has made me more aware of the big media world that i can tell whether a film is going to be good via its cover, and advertisement. As a class we were all pu into teams of fours, and i feel i became the leader of the team, and had mos control, inputted more than the others and was ahead of my work, the task for our portfolio of the year was to produce a Opening Title Sequence inwhich i decided would be set n y house with three members of my family as the main characters, our video was successful because we all got on as a team, and motivated eachover and i felt confortable, as well as the other members to speak my mind and say what needed to be added, half way through the making of the video we lost some footage and had to reshoot it, this was no longer a problem because it looked much better than before becuase we wanted to do so much more with it. Although i felt like a control freak i was happy because it went to plan and although one member didnt pertisipate as much as the rest of us, i was rewarded with a B again! but when it came to studying for my exam, i didnt do well at all, exams are not my best spot, infact exams are my weakness and because of this i got a E for my exam totally my year grade to a C.
Where I have progressed
I have been rewarded with the 'most improved' award, becuase of my progress through out the years, and have been nomitated for best blogspot, and best opening title sequence.
What i aim to do in the future of my media world
Media is my inspiration and i have full control of it, and i am determined to be part of what makes the Media what it is today, and what it will be in the future, i aim to push myself to the limit in year 13, where we will be studying Music Videos, this is what i was studying for my GCSE course when i recieved an B grade, so i am determined to get a better grade this year!
The 29 year old recording artist, well known for her mixed music and writing songs. The American singer has so far made four successful albums. In this case study i will identify the genres of music she produces, the case study will also include of how she devleoped and made it as a successful singer. I will discuss the way in which her image effected the selling of her music. And what other media contects she has carried out during her life.
Growing with the music industry
The American arist was first seen in an American reality televison program called 'Star Search' set in Hollywood. This then bring her the oppertunity to star in the 'The Micky Mouse club' on the Disney channel, she then took this on for a year. Then when the new film Mulan was produced in 1998 Christina Aguilera had writen and recorded the song 'Reflection' for that film.
Then from 1999 till 2010 the well known recording artist had developed into a huge singer, inwhich everyone knew, and listened to her songs, her three number one songs, were 'Genie In A Bottle', 'What A Girl Wants' and Come On Over Baby (All I Want Is You)' which were then followed by several collaborations which made Christina Aguilera worldwide! Although she was not making herself stand out from all the other singers, she had no theme or style which effected her wanted dream. So she departed from her magangement and faced a solo carrier which led her to experiment and gamble with what she had. She then created her latest three albums, which were much more successfull, although her last one Bionic was weakly produced and selled cheap.
The American artist Christina Aguilera is now known for her amazing vocal skills, music videos, not forgetting image. She has had a huge exchange of life, from her bad childhood, she is now knowledge for her power over music. She originally is helping charities raise money, and being a part of big issues for example human rights and the world at need.
From entering a television show called 'Star search' she has gained many rewards such as
Grammy Awards
Latin Grammy Awards
Fifteen and three nominations
Ranked by Rolling Stones, 58th out of 100 of the most Greatest singers of all time
20th artist of the decade by Billard
She has overall sold 42 million albums worldwide. And has a fortune worth $60 million!!
Her image
The Beauty of Chirstina Aguilera has never changed but her style and attitude has, through the years of becoming and progressing as an well-known artist, she has gone from teen to glamerous, from rock'n'roll to doll, her unique taste in style through her career has widened the audience of her music, her music has also changed through the years too. Pop, R&B, soul, blues, adult contemporary.
She begun the career by looking as usual as possible, blode hair blue eyes, young skin, her look was defined as innocence, she was an inspiration to the older generation and the younger generation, because she had no sign of attitude and rudeness, this was what the generation was like back in the 90's. In the year of 2002, Christina Aguilera released her new Album 'Stripped' showing of her new look, the look that attrated all types of audience, the dark hair the shocking new way of seduction was introduced, if Christina Aguilera could pull it off and exchange her look completely then so could her fans. she even reffered herself to 'Xtina!'
A percentage of the songs in her album 'Stripped' was produced by Scott Storch; a Candian record producer, and was also produced by a singer-songwriter, Linda Perry.
Although she was a successful singer, when she trnaformed her look, the United States of America didnt take too well to it, although this may be so, Christina was happy with her transformation and said that it reflected her personality much more. Even though the U.S.A didnt fancy the video of Dirty' Irelend and the UK, placed the single as a number one on the chart hits. Her second single, hit the number one in SEVEN countries, and number 2 in USA.
Originally Aguilera joined Justin Timberlake for a world tour, but decided to go solo internationaly, due to a stage accident.
Christina has gone from good to bad, brunnette to blonde, but never powefull to weak, she has a strong voice and she knows it, her confidence through out the years have become stronger rather than weaker, her ability to the singing world, leads other artists to a competition, i even feel Lady Gaga was in competition, Christina was the first one to change her look the first one who hit the big wide world, but now that Lady Gaga has come along, i think Christina Aguilera has backed down, although she would win the powerful competition hands down. Christina Aguilera is now a mother, but her look is still attractive and her music is still brand new to me as a fan, although i say that i do tink she is coming back out to the singing world. Her looks are now being compared to Marylin Monroe.
Vocal Aguilera
Its said that the American singer is compared to huge vocal artists such as Whitney Houston, and Mariah Carey. Although she has an amazing singing career, it has been quoted that she has 'oversung' too much at concerts. There have been producers with conrerns because they feel Christina screams in her singing. The theme in her music is 'LOVE'. She has also produced two songs reflecting her childhood (child abuse that is) and most if not all of her songs are showing of her vocal cords. The artist that influences Aguilera is the blues singer Etta James, and has been for the past serveral years. She is also inspired by the musical 'The Sound of Music'.
Overall record career
Christina Aguilera is a well known record artist, and doesnt stop even when she does drop, she has made products such as perfumes and gift sets, let alone her albums. Her voice is so strong, her strength to go further than she already is, and her ability to go that extra mile, for example charity and world issues has uplifted her fans.