Haven't written in my diary for a long time now. So i am going to update you now.
Around three weeks ago me and my team mate luke were really excited about the filming of our music video because we had story boarded everything, and planned all our msuic video out to the extent. We planned to film on the sunday, so during our media lesson time i decided that we go up to our nearest shopping centre and get all the props and costuming. And so we did, we went to bexleyheath and straight into primark, hopefully finding cheap and ugly shirts, which we throught wouldnt be too hard seen as it is Primark, but we had no luck finding any, i then found four rather disgusting shirts and paid out of my own money, i then decided that i wanted them to look jazzy so whilst paying for the bow ties i notices a feathered scarf, realising i had a glue gun at home i bought the scarf. overall i must have spent around thirty pounds on all the props and costumes, we had gone into Asda and bought a set of masks and giant straws (through excitment). When i got home that night i was determined to glue on feathers to the collors and pockets, the overall look was amzing, and i was very proud of the idea i had come up with, origainally we wanted to have plain shirts and jazz them up by placing different buttons and designs on the shirts to make them crazy as possible. But this look worked out so much better.
So everything was ready, the reason i paid for the costume and props was becuase i thought my partner would pay for the permission slip that covers filming on trains, which comes to a tenner. But this didnt happen. We then met up on sunday, to film, six people turned up, and we were going to have to change four by four business men to band members to three by three, because no one else could make it. So being the spoilt one that i am, i wanted to get two more, everyone rang around whilst at the station, we managed to get two more, which was brilliant, but the problem was that we finally got up to london at 3, leaving us one hour before it started to get dark. which was so bad for us, because our filming was set in the morning and through out the day. So we had to stop filming, we filmed all the fun parts of the music video.
Then on the Monday i came half happy and half dissapointed about the music video, becuase we only got some shots. When it came to uploading it on to the PC, the whole thing was crackled up, the scenes were combined together, to that half the screen was one scene and the other but was playing on the other side half cut off. I was absuloutly gutted. It had nothing to do with my filming, but the tape was bad. So we had to film all over again!!!
Reassured thatwe were to film another day, the weather started to turn on me. The white blanket covered the whole of the city, distroyng my ambition to get the music video done, the school closed, the trains stopped working the whole country had come to a shut down. How much luck do i have aye! so now i have only two weeks to film, up london in the studio, and cut the shots and make the music video to my standards.
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