This is a image I found on google of a typical teen age bedroom, messy and blue.

Compared to the teenage boys room being messy, this is a room for a typical older musiness man, reflecting his money and wealthare.

Another shot will be of the band in the morning sititng in the oppisite seats to the business men, the business men will be reading newspapers while the teenagers are play fighting.

In part of our music video we will be shooting in Trafalger Square, the reason for this is because it is simply one of the nicest places in London to shoot a music video, also near here is a Park were we aim to shoot anohter part of the music video. London is the city where business is required we wanted our music video to look as realistic as possible, this is were the idea came from.

For part of the music video for Baggy Trousers we will be shooting the band messing around and being imature in the St James Park in London just near Trafalgur square. This scene will take place after the band 'bunk off' from work, being a bunch of rebels, stereotyping the teenage life.

We aim to shoot a scene in a Cafe for the break/lunch that the business men and teen age boys. What we ideally want there to be two tables oppisite eachover, to mirror eachover.
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