Thursday, 16 December 2010

Dairy entry

After a long stressfull time we have finally managed to film our studio scene, and get everyone to film with us on the fiollowing monday so that we can do the rest of our filming for example shoot in the characters bedroooms and up london. So that when we come back of the holidays all we need to do is edit our filming.

I hope that the filming goes to plan..

Also i have been researching the denotations and connotations of a music video, this has helped me, so that when i come to filming the next time, i can relate props to a meaning, for example in the studio filming i blew balloons up, these balloons were a represenation of colours and fun and party, basically having a good time, which reflects on the characters personality.

Wednesday, 15 December 2010

denotation and conotation

Denotation refers to the literal meaning of a word, the "dictionary definition."¨ For example, if you look up the word snake in a dictionary, you will discover that one of its denotative meanings is "any of numerous scaly, legless, sometimes venomous reptiles¡Khaving a long, tapering, cylindrical body and found in most tropical and temperate regions."

Connotation, on the other hand, refers to the associations that are connected to a certain word or the emotional suggestions related to that word. The connotative meanings of a word exist together with the denotative meanings. The connotations for the word snake could include evil or danger.
Researching codes and conventions of a music video, i came across a webside that did a case study on codes and conventions.

Codes and Conventions in Media

• The media construct reality.

• The media have their own forms, codes and conventions.

• The media present ideologies and value messages.

• The media are business that have commercial interests.

• Audiences negotiate meaning in media.

Media mediate reality via the use of recognized codes and conventions,
and the credibility or realism of a media text may be judged by the degree
to which the audience identifies with what is being portrayed.
Media students identify three categories of codes that may be used to
convey meanings in media messages: technical codes, which include
camera techniques, framing, depth of field, lighting and exposure and
juxtaposition; symbolic codes, which refer to objects, setting, body
language, clothing and colour; and written codes in the form of
headlines, captions, speech bubbles and language style.

• the media produces meaning by using conventions

• audiences produce meaning from the interaction of the conventional material in the
text, and their understanding of conventions

• the conventions that the media uses have a history - they come from somewhere and
they are responsive to historical forces

• conventions are not natural but are cultural - they have cultural specificities - they are
now somewhat universal - here we can probably think of advertising.

• the systems of codes that make up the convention can be clumped together under three
broad headings - technical, symbolic, verbal/written.
A code must consist of:

• a set of signs which carry meaning

• a set of agreed rules for combining those signs together
Social Values and Representation

• Social values are the unwritten laws by which a culture lives. They are so transparent that
they may exist without us even realising their impact.

• Social values may remain constant across generations and cultures or they may vary.

• Social values are partly based in reality and partly aspirational.

• Social values may or may not reflect people’s bahaviour but always reflect belief.

• Media products are crafted to suit an audience, they must reflect the basic beliefs and
values of the target market or that market will not buy the product.

• Most media texts support dominant social values and as such are a cleverly crafted
amalgam of cosy familiarity and fantasy.

• Texts that challenge social values are less common although they proliferate in times of
social upheaval and uncertainty.

• Some texts simultaneously

This is the original music video to baggy trousers

Tuesday, 7 December 2010


Through out Madonna's career she has changed her look and way of life to the extent of changing peoples opinions of her, but she will always be the queen of pop. For one of my studying sessions, our teacher had given us a bug presentation on the queen, so i am going to share mym knowledge of this well known recording artist.

When researching Madonna on the internet i came across this video clip, this identifies the reflection of America that is shadowed on to the artist. Stereotyping and implying negative things; i havent seen a interview quite outragious, this interview host is rather arrogant.


The life of Madonna, i am going to identify how Madonna's life has been from the past.

Madonna was born August 16, 1958 she was the eldest amongst 8 children, her mum sadly past away when Madonna was 6, leaving the father to look after them. Madonnas talent was identified in her school years, were she was in school plays and took part in other opertuinties for example cheer leading.

After Madonna had been and gone to Uni, she then decided that she was to mkae it as a star, so she persude her dream at the 'big apple' living of 7 miniple pay jobs. She then decided to join her boyfriends band, even though it was just as the back singer, atleast it was not taking part in a dancing group where she was harldly recongised. Madonna then started to write her own songs and sing at local dance clubs, she was then noticed by the audience and recongised as the untamed star.

A DJ kammins is responsible for Madonnas relationship with Warner Bros, as he introduced the two in 1982. She immediatly started selling records and so on. Through out the following years her life grew and grew as she developed, because she was a big star and she knew it.


Now that is a transformation!  Look at the first and last one.. wait no! look at the second one!

the good
the bad
the now


Madonna is an artist that has been in the press since the 80's, whther it be about her look, once it was about her having a mostache, or her songging a britney speares, or divorces she has had. Press dont leave the oppertunity to destroy the rep of stars.


Madonna has released many songs, some outragious and some suttle. but in each of her videos they tend to relate to a different look or theme. here are some of the many music videos she has made, i am going to tell you a minimal amount about each of the music videos, this analyis will just include my thoughts.

Monday, 6 December 2010

Genre music video part two

I decdied that i would analys this music by muting the sound, so that i reflect on the image rather than the sound too. The music video is nicely lit, the colour red is on walls either side of the stage that the band New found glory are on. There is a banner behind the band that headlines the name of their band, in black and white, this could relate to the idea of racism, or to opssites clashing together. The font of the banner is bold and rocking. One of the band members has no top on, and has a a guitar strapped around him. The main band member is jumping up and down getting the fans surrounding him, excited. The shots then zoom into each of the character, this is not in the way of any average music video, but in a rock and roll way, it is not a tidy shot, more hand heald than anything. The lights are flashing behind the band, this music video is revolved around unitdines and the idea of being out of control. This music starts to be really random when a floating dolphin gets frown on to the stage. The main singer rocks it out, as if he is shouting into the microphone rather than singing his heart out.

A pizza delivery guy then walks on casually to the stage as if the band are not performing. And gives the topless, and rather fat man a large pizza, and band member then opens his delivery box and starts eating away. The main singer then sings into the camera and swings the camera to the side where the producers, directors and camera men are. The next few shots include of a point of view of being in the audience.

Then a shot of three girls. The girls wear a crop top each top says a different word which spells out 'typical  video girl' this is a stereotype of the three girls standing there, they have brown/orange bellies and hair down, they look into the camera in a seductive way, as if to stereotype theirselves even more. The singer then puts his thumbs up with excitement. And the shot then goes back to the girls and a floating caterpilla being frown at them.

Back to the guys on stage. One shouts into the microphone, one gets pushed into the croud, as if to form a mash pit. Then after that madness happens the shot then goes to a shot of three men, not attractive wearing crop tops that are very tight that say 'look at us' mirroring the girls that were on the stage. Then the floating  dolphin gets frown at them again. The use of the floats make me think of summer.

After a few shots of the band being completly outragious, the shot then goes to a band member playing tiny drums, and the topless rather large man singing. Then him standing infornt of a bunch of fat man. Implying it is cool to be large. The scene then changes to the fat men messing around, pretty grose. For the next few scenes it then shows the band messing around to the extreme, and causing mosh pits. And screaming. New fuond glory then welcomes a action super hero onto the stage, he stands on the balcony behind the stage, and swings towards the croud, and smashes into the camera, and falls. The next part of the music video then goes from this to the main singer giving the mike to a fan in the croud, who is the same man, which is a really good effect, i have to sy i love this bit the best.

The musis video i am seeing before me is about fun and randomness, it doesnt include a story just contains themes. Its all about a band living their dream. The other special effect that i enjoyed was of the band member being edited to speed up and the other band members still in the same motion, making him look like he is zooming. The following shots continue frew, and then the camera goes on to the balcony behind the stage where a quier are singing, this quier are not just any quier but are a punk goffic one. Then goes back to the band where the man is singing, the camera reveals that whilst he is singing he is having a tattoo done. 

After another wild party on the stage, the guys then have a shot with really adorable puppies. The shot then continues of the guys and the fans together. The camera shots making the music video as wild as the song, but i wouldnt know because of the msuic video being on silent whilst i edit it. towards the end, on the stage are three life size posters of the band members, and the fans jumping on stage and destroying the posters. The last clip is of the band watching the music through a camera at the end.


Haven't written in my diary for a long time now. So i am going to update you now.

Around three weeks ago me and my team mate luke were really excited about the filming of our music video because we had story boarded everything, and planned all our msuic video out to the extent. We planned to film on the sunday, so during our media lesson time i decided that we go up to our nearest shopping centre and get all the props and costuming. And so we did, we went to bexleyheath and straight into primark, hopefully finding cheap and ugly shirts, which we throught wouldnt be too hard seen as it is Primark, but we had no luck finding any, i then found four rather disgusting shirts and paid out of my own money, i then decided that i wanted them to look jazzy so whilst paying for the bow ties i notices a feathered scarf, realising i had a glue gun at home i bought the scarf. overall i must have spent around thirty pounds on all the props and costumes, we had gone into Asda and bought a set of masks and giant straws (through excitment). When i got home that night i was determined to glue on feathers to the collors and pockets, the overall look was amzing, and i was very proud of the idea i had come up with, origainally we wanted to have plain shirts and jazz them up by placing different buttons and designs on the shirts to make them crazy as possible. But this look worked out so much better.

So everything was ready, the reason i paid for the costume and props was becuase i thought my partner would pay for the permission slip that covers filming on trains, which comes to a tenner. But this didnt happen. We then met up on sunday, to film, six people turned up, and we were going to have to change four by four business men to band members to three by three, because no one else could make it. So being the spoilt one that i am, i wanted to get two more, everyone rang around whilst at the station, we managed to get two more, which was brilliant, but the problem was that we finally got up to london at 3, leaving us one hour before it started to get dark. which was so bad for us, because our filming was set in the morning and through out the day. So we had to stop filming, we filmed all the fun parts of the music video.

Then on the Monday i came half happy and half dissapointed about the music video, becuase we only got some shots. When it came to uploading it on to the PC, the whole thing was crackled up, the scenes were combined together, to that half the screen was one scene and the other but was playing on the other side half cut off. I was absuloutly gutted. It had nothing to do with my filming, but the tape was bad. So we had to film all over again!!!
Reassured thatwe were to film another day, the weather started to turn on me. The white blanket covered the whole of the city, distroyng my ambition to get the music video done, the school closed, the trains stopped working the whole country had come to a shut down. How much luck do i have aye! so now i have only two weeks to film, up london in the studio, and cut the shots and make the music video to my standards.