Thursday, 21 October 2010

Props list

props where                     what for                    how much

Alarm clock x2                    morning shots        £0
cereal and sugar                   morning shots       £0
briefcase                              all day                  £0
rucksack                            all day                    £0
newspaper                          morning shots        £1
microphone                        studio                    £0
keyboard                            studio                    £0
guitar                                 studio                     £0
taxi                                   afternoon                £0
4 cokes                             café                        £5
4 coffee                            café                        £10
notepads                           café                         £4

This is a draft of our prop list, because we have a clear idea in our heads of what we want in our music video. Although we know that in time our prop list will expand, or reduce in size once our story board is completed.

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Supergrass- Alright

I am going to analyse a Pop Rock music video for the song Alright by the band Supergrass. The first shot identifies the age of the song, clearly by it being them typical old records, this record is the official Supergrass. The following shot is of a man on a typical English beach as in no white sands but yellow and grey sea instead of clear blue with a piano, the man wears a rather odd costume which consists of all black woolly suit and matching hat, printed with white patterns, the piano is a rusty golden colour, as the man turns to smile at us (the audience) three young men run past, the shot stayed the same through out this period of time, the man with the piano were to the side of the screen.

The next 2 second shot is of the three boys that ran across the beach knocking on the camera screen, idealizing the idea of boys messing about causing trouble. The next shot is a mid shot of the boys running along the beach wearing different coloured tops, each top states their name, this could mean that they are a new band out. The shot then jumps back to the three of them looking into the camera, as if they are hand holding it, the shot then jumps back to the Pop Rock band running on the beach whilst singing, keeping the music video up to beat. The next shot is of the man that played the piano at the beginning, he then smiles again, when he smiles he tooth sparkles. Going back to the band singing and running on the beach, this clip includes different shots, for example side shots long shots and so on. Also the way they run is like a little boy, this video so far feels like this boy band wants to show that being young is fun.

The beginning of the next shot is of the three of them in a double bed, still on the bed, the bed moves along the beach, and the camera stays at the end of the bed as they sing the next part of the verse, this bed covers are all bright and happy, examplifying the idea of fun still. The following shot of the music video includes a shot of their shadows upsidedown as if the shadows are them, the camera then follows the shadows down to them in the distance, to me the shadow can connotate the idea of the shadow being the different side to them.

The next scene still located on the beach; is a set up front room, which includes props such as telephone, lamp, and a radio, watching the video now it looks so dated but back then it was probably advertising the props. I like how in each shot the three boys are always in it together, even on this shot the man sits on the sofa, and the other two are hiding behind the sofa, making puppets on the sides of the singing boy of the band, keeping to the idea of being little boys. The location changes but the props and so on are still kept the same. The next shot goes on for 2 seconds if that, and it is of one boy members, the boys are all 'chilling' on the sofa, when one of them gets up and twirls over to the camera, and stares; a very fast shot.  After one more location change for the living room scene the shot goes back to the boys on the bed, but this time it looks as if they are going down a forest pathway, surrounded by trees.

They are laying on their front facing directly to the camera kneeling on their elbows singing to the camera again. When the word 'mad' is said in the lyrics a close of a a band member is rolling his eyes around, and going boss-eyed. Then a shot of this wearing different glasses. When the words 'sleep around' come up; lips pout on the screen, and then 'sleep around if we like' would be said and a extreme close up to the eye appears in the music video. The following shot is of just two of the band members facnig the camera yet again, one is holding the lyrics being sung 'we're alright'.

Then a man unidentified wears a silky purple suit and black hat, then when the word 'cash' comes up the man opens up his brief case full of cash. Then the following clip is of the three boy band members on old fashioned bikes because the word in the verse is 'wheels' i like how they conect key words to objects and shots for the music video, but it is too original, back then it may have been a interesting outcome.

The next shot is really good, the shot changes to it being from a veiw point so it is like they are giving us as the audience a chance to be fun and be apart of the music video too. The camera swirls away from a circus freak and moves left to right creating a motion that we are about to crash, creating a form of excitment.

Sitting back on the sofa again two band members make usage of the props whilst the main singer sings, the boy to our left is on the telephone, the camera then jumps to the boy on the right hand side who picks up an extra large microphone and puts it to his eye to make it bigger. Then after a second it looks as if we are holding the microphone and looking at the three band members sitting on the sofa. For the rest of the verse the location and placement stays the same, as they do their usual messing around, I dont know of this band, but I am getting the idea that they like to show a biased point that we should keep enjoying ourselves.

When the song goes back to the lyrics the the band are back to being on their double bed again, swaying their arms side to side. Then the lyrics go back to connecting with the music video for example 'teeth.. nice and clean' shows a set of clean teeth when a smile appears. 'See the sites' is directing a shot of the three of the boy bands on the bikes expressing the sights with their hands.

When the music solo comes on, the photage we see is of the Pop Rock boy band on their old stylish bikes riding fast, and doing tricks, maybe riding bikes was the 'thing' back in the day I am not sure, I personally think that it links to the idea of being young and free. The bed then comes back on the scene where they sit up swaying their hands side to side, and have outragiously bright socks on.

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Analysis of a CD cover

In this essay I will analyse a CD cover to Dirty dancing, I will identify the connotations of images, texts and use of colours on the CD cover, that can relate to the audience of this genre of music.

To begin with the front cover of the Dirty Dancing CD has just one image, of the two main stars in the movie, this relates to the famous film itself, identifying the passion and love shared between the two characters, the shadow that is casted on the white background is a lilac colour, lilac represents femanism, inwhich reflects the female character growing into a lady. The white background connotates innocence. The lady and man are holding eachover in a thearetic way, the male in this image is wearing all black and has dark hair, which is the oppisite the to the female he is holding from behind, who is wearing a white loose dress that just finishes bellow her knees, and has wavy mouse blonde hair, the idea of the man standing behind her with his hand on her side and looking down to the ground, gives a theme of protection and obsession for the woman that he is holding, i also feel a vibe of sensitivity coming form the couple, because the lady is facing the man behind her and looks as if she is looking at him. At the top of the CD it identifies the name of both characters, in which are both well known, this also attracts the audiences eyes. The title of the CD cover is 'Dirty Dancing' this name is written in pink and purple, both clearly girly colours, the title looks as if it is hand written, this can connotate the idea of the film itself being about the girl/man's life, and they are the ones showing us their point of view. In the films case it is 'Jenifer Greys' point of view. The name itslef represents two completely different things, just like the characters in the film itself. 'Dirty' can have many different definitition, one of which is clearly a sexual context, 'dirty' could also mean, unhealthy, messy or unhappy. 'Dancing' on the other hand is a word of action, that expresses different emotions to different genres of songs, for example passion and love, or passion and letting yourself go. Both words together can imply a sexual dance.

The little logo just beneath the title quotes 'the time of your life' this is a cheesy relfection to the song 'time of my life' because the quote is now directed to the audience, this is also a good advertisement scheme, because it implies that if you buy this CD you will have the time of your life, directing towards the consumers.

Secondly the CD case that holds the musical videos, has a background behind the plastic that is very ogirnal, the colour purple is consistant through out the CD case, the image hidden behind the CD is of the two main characters doing a well-known move from the classic film 'Dirty Dancing' in which he is lifting her up in the air by just holding the sides of her hips, she is strectched out as if flying. The image has a rather effective look about itself, is consists of grey, white and purple, and the photography makes the image look classical, reminding the veiwers of the amazing part of the film. The CD is not just full of music tracks, it also inlcudes a bonus CD whihc features the clips of the dancing that goes on in the film, that is so known by the viewers. The CD also contains a photo gallerry, that presents the veiwers with the photo shots from the film, not only this but it also has a Kareoke verson of 'time of my life' which allows the veiwers to interact and feel like they are in the film. The CD itself, has a print on it, which is of another image of the couple together, the CD album feels like it is telling the audience a story, because the girl is wearing white, it can mean that she is a virgin, but maybe towards dancing (because i have seen the film i know) so the man in the oppisite colour black represents proffessional. The CD itself also has the same title in the same font as on the CD cover, keeping the CD simple and repetative for its target audience.

The image to the left of the photocopy above is of the man and the girl together, the photographic use of this is kept the same as the background to the CD case, its grey, white and purple is repeating through out the CD case, making the album look memerable and unqiue, these three colours make the photoes look faded and old. The photo itself reflects on how the girl has grown, as the colour purple could either reflect or him, maybe even both; for example if the colour reflects on him it would have to relate to how much she has changed him throughout the film, or maybe her being a little girl who loves her family very much and is rather wealthy, mixing with a complete oppisite who originally keeps to himself changes both of them to the better, purple simbolises richness, love, maturity and growth. Grey can simbolize dull, and loneliness, to relate it to the two characters I feel that it can mean that the lady wearing white and the man wearing black, them two mixed together is grey. And white, meaning innosense, and purity. The idea that there four shots of the film gliding across this side of the CD cover, makes them shots stand out clear and builds up to the background image, these images are presented as if they are a film tape, making the film age more. This part of the CD cover is the slot for a little booklet that has images and shots of the film in it, like a little memory book for the long lost fans.

The binder of the CD still consists of purple black and white, i still feel that the black and white is the reflection of each character, I also feel that there is a sense of protection even on the binder because the white title is in the middle is gaurded by two black words on either side of the white title.

The back of the CD cover is the contents for the CD album, with a faded image behind of the couple yet again, the writing is written in black and white in capital letter, fixating the two different characters together, the back of the CD cover has the names of the tracks it also has six special features that the disc two have for the audeince. And clearly states that there is a photo gallery so that you buy it for yourself, or someone else, as this is 'unreleased'. At the top of the back of the CD cover, there is a paragraph selling the album to the viewers. I would also like to add that the headline of this paragraph is 'have the time of your life' making use of its original logo.

The CD to your left of this image is a CD for the musical videos, gallery and kareoke and the CD to your right is the CD that include the music tracks. Keeping the images for the background consistant to the rest of the CD album. I feel the images in the background of each CD part is telling us as the audience a story of the film and the characters, as if they are facing the world. The shots are of the couple expressing their love for eachother through dancing, this is a unique veiw for the film veiwers because the film is about the coiple falling in love through dancing, now this is not like the days we have these days, everyone just goes out clubbing and forgets who they danced with the morning after.  The film is like a Fairytale, love at first sight, and so on are reflecting on this CD because this is how the film was followed.

The use of this image is so effective, it is the exact image of the one at the front but is a close up shot of the image we can see at the front of the CD, it shows the passion, I also think that it reflects on how much they connect through out the film, for example at the begginning we cant feel the passion, but we can see it, but at the end we as the veiwers feel the passion as much as we see it, just like the CD. Its a nice beggining and ending, just like in the film. The image is connotates a heavenly image, and forshadows expresions of love, it fullfills the meaning of love in one image. The shadows casted on the couple can be a sign of the bad times that the couple have gone through, and the shadow on the wall can connotate the past, or the effect they have or had on the people around them.

This album was released for the aniversary of the film.