Monday, 23 August 2010
Music Video
Seen as i studied Chritstina Aguilera, and seen as her Dirty video was well known for it critism and unpopularity in the USA i am curiously going to study the video itself, finding it denotions and conotations, and how it represents different aspects, also i will be discussing why the USA didnt take to it that much.
Start to Finish
At the beginning of the music video, Christina Aguilera is dressed and displayed differently from her original music videos where she would be girly and full of beauty, but in this video she is in a drak green room, which is mainly shadowed, she is outlined where hardly anything, walking towards her scruffy motorbike, wearnig nothing but a pair of flimsy nickers a black leaver belt matching her knee high leather boots, you cant make out what top she is wearing because her new long dreadlocks are covering it. The music video is now flashing to two characters extreme close ups, one man and a woman, the woman is Christina Aguilera, who is wearing nateral make up, cler lip gloss which is then funked up be her thick eye make up and nose peircing. The shots of these two characters are different and very effective, both dark backgrounds, shadows casted on their faces, showing the dark side of them.
The American singer Christina then kips up her red, black and white lever jacket, but it is not just a simple shot of this, the shot is a complete close up, showing her clear bare skin being closed in, to me this is either hiding the innocence, or hiding her true self. As she is zipping up her jacket, i notice she is wearing black leaver gloves with little gold studs, the gloves are cut of were her fingers are i feel this is a grungy look, and cretes a feel of excitement. She then places on her motorbike helmet, this has completely transformed her look from her original videos.
The video is then woken up and now livens up, when the singer Aguilera revs up her motorbike and zooms off, a shot of her motorbikes wheels. She then paces through her green room, and into another world, where a crowd of people have formed a path and are chanting for the singer on the motorbike, i also notice that most of the crowd chanting are all men, this shows the power that the singer has over men and herself in the video.
The next clip is of Christina Aguilera still dressed in her motorbike outfit, in a cage, the cage represents danger and control. The cage is then lowered into a wrestling ring, where she is surrounded by half naked men outside the ring, she is now center of attention, it feels like she is the mens dream, and they are dreaming.
The next shot is of Christina Aguilera sitting in the corner of the ring, dancing as her legs are at a 90 degree angle, she is surrounded by half naked oiled men. The following shot is now of Christina and a few other girls on the wrestling ring dancing, i like how the wrestling ring has been transformed, they group of girls in the wrestling ring are dancing irroticly, to me i feel this is new type of seduction because usually it would be classed as red lipstick and blonde hair and a black dress, but this is new seduction, all the girls are dancing on the floor and giving it their all moves.
The change of scene, means that Christina Aguilera is wearing a mini grey skirt, knee high black boots, and cutted top just bellow the chest. She is now in a dark set room with a group of other dancers, all dancing the same moves, i noticed that they are all oiled up looking sweaty, giving of more signs of sexual tones. Back to the wrestling ring, where Christina Aguilera aka the girl with the blode locks wearing barely anythink, just leaver, leaver and more leaver, and the other girl in the wrestling ring brown hair, blue and white mask, and matching costume; this suggests competition, between two different types of girls, the blonde one wins, but originally i think if it was any other video then the brunette would win, because it is stereotypical that all brunettes are better than blondes. Whilst they are fighting they are refferied by two half naked oiled men, no more to be said about it, as this suggests only but sexism.
The next bit to the music video is were the man at the begginning returns to the shots were he is walking down a long corridor, in a club, where lots of girls surround him and try for his attention but he walks on rapping to the screen, whilst women are around the rapping man, men are round the singer Christina, the rapping man is wearing all black; including black sun glasses, black hat, black shirt, and so on. He then walks past a room were there is a group of people having a mud fight. Christina Aguilera is now in a big showers room, the room is dirty, and water is spraying out making her and the other dancers wet, they are all dancing together holding eachover seductivly, break dancing and all sorts. And inside another room is a group of men break dancing, this room is set differently, they are wearing just bottoms and the walls are filled with graffiti this is like a comparision/competition. The end of the song is were all the men and women dancers are together.
I can understand why maybe the Americans dont like this video, but i love it, the Americans may feel that she has changed completly, and i feel that maybe she is wrong when she says that this music video reflect on her personality. But i like the new look and how she experimented with different ideas, her msuic video certainly does stand out.
My First Journal
I started studying Media in the year 10, GCSE Course, where I was with the wrong croud and would settle to do anything, i would just sit at the back of the class with my friends and moan about working, but then i realised over the first year that i was interested in media and it was developing around me. I grow my interest in Media and in year 11 i knew it was my time to prove to myself that i had an inspiration, and i infact have, Media has inspired me and has effected me possitively.
AS Level
The following year i took on media in A-level and knew that it had so much more to offer, me and as a B student i would be silly to drop the oppertunity to grow even more, the year of 12, has made me more aware of the big media world that i can tell whether a film is going to be good via its cover, and advertisement. As a class we were all pu into teams of fours, and i feel i became the leader of the team, and had mos control, inputted more than the others and was ahead of my work, the task for our portfolio of the year was to produce a Opening Title Sequence inwhich i decided would be set n y house with three members of my family as the main characters, our video was successful because we all got on as a team, and motivated eachover and i felt confortable, as well as the other members to speak my mind and say what needed to be added, half way through the making of the video we lost some footage and had to reshoot it, this was no longer a problem because it looked much better than before becuase we wanted to do so much more with it. Although i felt like a control freak i was happy because it went to plan and although one member didnt pertisipate as much as the rest of us, i was rewarded with a B again! but when it came to studying for my exam, i didnt do well at all, exams are not my best spot, infact exams are my weakness and because of this i got a E for my exam totally my year grade to a C.
Where I have progressed
I have been rewarded with the 'most improved' award, becuase of my progress through out the years, and have been nomitated for best blogspot, and best opening title sequence.
What i aim to do in the future of my media world
Media is my inspiration and i have full control of it, and i am determined to be part of what makes the Media what it is today, and what it will be in the future, i aim to push myself to the limit in year 13, where we will be studying Music Videos, this is what i was studying for my GCSE course when i recieved an B grade, so i am determined to get a better grade this year!
I started studying Media in the year 10, GCSE Course, where I was with the wrong croud and would settle to do anything, i would just sit at the back of the class with my friends and moan about working, but then i realised over the first year that i was interested in media and it was developing around me. I grow my interest in Media and in year 11 i knew it was my time to prove to myself that i had an inspiration, and i infact have, Media has inspired me and has effected me possitively.
AS Level
The following year i took on media in A-level and knew that it had so much more to offer, me and as a B student i would be silly to drop the oppertunity to grow even more, the year of 12, has made me more aware of the big media world that i can tell whether a film is going to be good via its cover, and advertisement. As a class we were all pu into teams of fours, and i feel i became the leader of the team, and had mos control, inputted more than the others and was ahead of my work, the task for our portfolio of the year was to produce a Opening Title Sequence inwhich i decided would be set n y house with three members of my family as the main characters, our video was successful because we all got on as a team, and motivated eachover and i felt confortable, as well as the other members to speak my mind and say what needed to be added, half way through the making of the video we lost some footage and had to reshoot it, this was no longer a problem because it looked much better than before becuase we wanted to do so much more with it. Although i felt like a control freak i was happy because it went to plan and although one member didnt pertisipate as much as the rest of us, i was rewarded with a B again! but when it came to studying for my exam, i didnt do well at all, exams are not my best spot, infact exams are my weakness and because of this i got a E for my exam totally my year grade to a C.
Where I have progressed
I have been rewarded with the 'most improved' award, becuase of my progress through out the years, and have been nomitated for best blogspot, and best opening title sequence.
What i aim to do in the future of my media world
Media is my inspiration and i have full control of it, and i am determined to be part of what makes the Media what it is today, and what it will be in the future, i aim to push myself to the limit in year 13, where we will be studying Music Videos, this is what i was studying for my GCSE course when i recieved an B grade, so i am determined to get a better grade this year!
Chirstina Aguilera- case study
The 29 year old recording artist, well known for her mixed music and writing songs. The American singer has so far made four successful albums. In this case study i will identify the genres of music she produces, the case study will also include of how she devleoped and made it as a successful singer. I will discuss the way in which her image effected the selling of her music. And what other media contects she has carried out during her life.
Growing with the music industry
The American arist was first seen in an American reality televison program called 'Star Search' set in Hollywood. This then bring her the oppertunity to star in the 'The Micky Mouse club' on the Disney channel, she then took this on for a year. Then when the new film Mulan was produced in 1998 Christina Aguilera had writen and recorded the song 'Reflection' for that film.
Then from 1999 till 2010 the well known recording artist had developed into a huge singer, inwhich everyone knew, and listened to her songs, her three number one songs, were 'Genie In A Bottle', 'What A Girl Wants' and Come On Over Baby (All I Want Is You)' which were then followed by several collaborations which made Christina Aguilera worldwide! Although she was not making herself stand out from all the other singers, she had no theme or style which effected her wanted dream. So she departed from her magangement and faced a solo carrier which led her to experiment and gamble with what she had. She then created her latest three albums, which were much more successfull, although her last one Bionic was weakly produced and selled cheap.
The American artist Christina Aguilera is now known for her amazing vocal skills, music videos, not forgetting image. She has had a huge exchange of life, from her bad childhood, she is now knowledge for her power over music. She originally is helping charities raise money, and being a part of big issues for example human rights and the world at need.
From entering a television show called 'Star search' she has gained many rewards such as
Her image
The Beauty of Chirstina Aguilera has never changed but her style and attitude has, through the years of becoming and progressing as an well-known artist, she has gone from teen to glamerous, from rock'n'roll to doll, her unique taste in style through her career has widened the audience of her music, her music has also changed through the years too. Pop, R&B, soul, blues, adult contemporary.
She begun the career by looking as usual as possible, blode hair blue eyes, young skin, her look was defined as innocence, she was an inspiration to the older generation and the younger generation, because she had no sign of attitude and rudeness, this was what the generation was like back in the 90's. In the year of 2002, Christina Aguilera released her new Album 'Stripped' showing of her new look, the look that attrated all types of audience, the dark hair the shocking new way of seduction was introduced, if Christina Aguilera could pull it off and exchange her look completely then so could her fans. she even reffered herself to 'Xtina!'
A percentage of the songs in her album 'Stripped' was produced by Scott Storch; a Candian record producer, and was also produced by a singer-songwriter, Linda Perry.
Although she was a successful singer, when she trnaformed her look, the United States of America didnt take too well to it, although this may be so, Christina was happy with her transformation and said that it reflected her personality much more. Even though the U.S.A didnt fancy the video of Dirty' Irelend and the UK, placed the single as a number one on the chart hits. Her second single, hit the number one in SEVEN countries, and number 2 in USA.
Originally Aguilera joined Justin Timberlake for a world tour, but decided to go solo internationaly, due to a stage accident.
Christina has gone from good to bad, brunnette to blonde, but never powefull to weak, she has a strong voice and she knows it, her confidence through out the years have become stronger rather than weaker, her ability to the singing world, leads other artists to a competition, i even feel Lady Gaga was in competition, Christina was the first one to change her look the first one who hit the big wide world, but now that Lady Gaga has come along, i think Christina Aguilera has backed down, although she would win the powerful competition hands down. Christina Aguilera is now a mother, but her look is still attractive and her music is still brand new to me as a fan, although i say that i do tink she is coming back out to the singing world. Her looks are now being compared to Marylin Monroe.
The 29 year old recording artist, well known for her mixed music and writing songs. The American singer has so far made four successful albums. In this case study i will identify the genres of music she produces, the case study will also include of how she devleoped and made it as a successful singer. I will discuss the way in which her image effected the selling of her music. And what other media contects she has carried out during her life.
Growing with the music industry
The American arist was first seen in an American reality televison program called 'Star Search' set in Hollywood. This then bring her the oppertunity to star in the 'The Micky Mouse club' on the Disney channel, she then took this on for a year. Then when the new film Mulan was produced in 1998 Christina Aguilera had writen and recorded the song 'Reflection' for that film.
Then from 1999 till 2010 the well known recording artist had developed into a huge singer, inwhich everyone knew, and listened to her songs, her three number one songs, were 'Genie In A Bottle', 'What A Girl Wants' and Come On Over Baby (All I Want Is You)' which were then followed by several collaborations which made Christina Aguilera worldwide! Although she was not making herself stand out from all the other singers, she had no theme or style which effected her wanted dream. So she departed from her magangement and faced a solo carrier which led her to experiment and gamble with what she had. She then created her latest three albums, which were much more successfull, although her last one Bionic was weakly produced and selled cheap.
The American artist Christina Aguilera is now known for her amazing vocal skills, music videos, not forgetting image. She has had a huge exchange of life, from her bad childhood, she is now knowledge for her power over music. She originally is helping charities raise money, and being a part of big issues for example human rights and the world at need.
From entering a television show called 'Star search' she has gained many rewards such as
- Grammy Awards
- Latin Grammy Awards
- Fifteen and three nominations
- Ranked by Rolling Stones, 58th out of 100 of the most Greatest singers of all time
- 20th artist of the decade by Billard
Her image

A percentage of the songs in her album 'Stripped' was produced by Scott Storch; a Candian record producer, and was also produced by a singer-songwriter, Linda Perry.
Although she was a successful singer, when she trnaformed her look, the United States of America didnt take too well to it, although this may be so, Christina was happy with her transformation and said that it reflected her personality much more. Even though the U.S.A didnt fancy the video of Dirty' Irelend and the UK, placed the single as a number one on the chart hits. Her second single, hit the number one in SEVEN countries, and number 2 in USA.
Originally Aguilera joined Justin Timberlake for a world tour, but decided to go solo internationaly, due to a stage accident.
Christina has gone from good to bad, brunnette to blonde, but never powefull to weak, she has a strong voice and she knows it, her confidence through out the years have become stronger rather than weaker, her ability to the singing world, leads other artists to a competition, i even feel Lady Gaga was in competition, Christina was the first one to change her look the first one who hit the big wide world, but now that Lady Gaga has come along, i think Christina Aguilera has backed down, although she would win the powerful competition hands down. Christina Aguilera is now a mother, but her look is still attractive and her music is still brand new to me as a fan, although i say that i do tink she is coming back out to the singing world. Her looks are now being compared to Marylin Monroe.
Vocal Aguilera
Its said that the American singer is compared to huge vocal artists such as Whitney Houston, and Mariah Carey. Although she has an amazing singing career, it has been quoted that she has 'oversung' too much at concerts. There have been producers with conrerns because they feel Christina screams in her singing. The theme in her music is 'LOVE'. She has also produced two songs reflecting her childhood (child abuse that is) and most if not all of her songs are showing of her vocal cords. The artist that influences Aguilera is the blues singer Etta James, and has been for the past serveral years. She is also inspired by the musical 'The Sound of Music'.
Overall record career
Christina Aguilera is a well known record artist, and doesnt stop even when she does drop, she has made products such as perfumes and gift sets, let alone her albums. Her voice is so strong, her strength to go further than she already is, and her ability to go that extra mile, for example charity and world issues has uplifted her fans.
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